Friday, June 08, 2007

HD is COMING!! like how the CD killed the CASSETTE TAPE (then iPOD kills the CD)

If you don't own a High Definition TV (HDTV), I think it is time to buy one (or wait 'til BLACK FRIDAY), you are missing a lot-- lots and lots of pixels. But this is a clear warning, once you go HD you'll never get back to SD (standard definition, your regular bulky TV). How clear is HD? Watch UGLY BETTY on HD and you will realize that VANESSA WILLIAMS is not that pretty and UGLY BETTY herself is not ugly. HD is too clear that you will see every blemish on anyone's face on the screen, BOTOX will now be benefited because of HD. Check the HD vs SD difference here.

Now wedding videos are going HD. Watch a sampler here.

We do currently have an HD camera but need to add one more for a cinematic two-angle shooting. Sony FX7 currently is $2,495 at B&H. One big problem with HD WEDDINGS right now is how much will you watch it for? HD-DVD players will cost you around $500 and Sony Blu-Ray is battling for dominance with Toshiba's HD-DVD. Shoot in HD then maybe enjoy it later, next year?

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